Spells overview
To cast a spell, you simply name the spell (and optional target) or you use the word cast, as in cast frbl at Vick. You adjust the power of the cast spell, using the power modifiers that allow you to repeat commands or vary the power of an attack or hit. < = > * ; : preceding the spell varies the power (& possibly duration) from II to VII. In physical combat the modifier changes your attack percentage from 30% to 80%.
If not fighting, then spell and cast spell can be considered the same, although extra effects are happening.
cast by itself can now be thought of as identical in effect to hit with the bonus that you can use cast BEFORE entering a fight as well as during it.
:cast for example will set your fighting spell power to VII. < cast aura will cast aura at power II and set your fighting spell to a power II aura. When not fighting, cast will set your fighting spell power to I. In a fight, cast casts fight spell at fight power.
<power modifier> cast spell during a fight instantly casts the spell and alters fight spell power & fight spell. So you would cast aura if you wanted to reset the fight power to I and cast the spell. Or you could =cast to change the fight power to III, without affecting the fight spell. If you >cast noauto then you will clear the autocast fight spell, but can still change the power to IV. Very useful if low on stamina!
If you have a fight spell power > I then simply naming it during a fight ie aura will cast it at the fight spell power. You can override with *aura etc.
In Magical Combat therefore, on each blow round, I will attempt to do a cast from the player to the monster, which will therefore pick up the fight spell & fight spell power. You can judge the effects with the magic dummy, and if you wish, fire off cast during any combat situation - ie attack pigeon and parry is a good way to practise the effects.
This is a unified scheme, in that spells invoked from spellbooks, objects rooms, puzzles and other methods will all be affected and adjusted by the settings established by cast.
When you change the fight spell power and/or fight spell, cast will report the changes to you. During a fight, this will only happen if you set verbose fight - as most of you probably use brief fight I would suggest you go to verbose for the purposing of seeing and getting used to the effects.
The dangers I perceive are autocasting high cost spells, killing you in the process if they use physical stamina (casts from Spell Books do!) or having the wrong spell set up. Fight Spell and Fight Spell Power are remembered for avatars.
Avatar - Spell Cast Summary
<spell power> cast <spell> or NOAUTO
Not Fighting
<power> cast sets fight spell power.
<power> cast <spell> as above + casts and sets fight spell.
cast Magic Combat - each blow round..
casts fight spell at fight spell power
< spell > cast at fight spell power.
cast < spell > to cast spell at power I.
At any time
< power > cast NOAUTO clears fight spell.
< power > < spell > cast at specified power.
< spellpower > set my fs < spell > | NOAUTO
This works exactly like cast with the useful exception that the Fight Spell Power and Fight Spell are set, but the spell is not cast. This may be called whether fighting or not.
Related Spells
Defensive spells are usually of two different sorts, and behave differently depending on whether you are in a magic or physical fight. With development of 3.01 code, which has now made 95% of all current and future spell handling totally 'codeless', I thought I would try to explain the differences clearly!
If you cast a general defensive spell such as aura, then in a physical fight, it adds to your penetration defense - ie it behaves likes armour - according to the power of the spell. In a magic fight, it increases the value of magic resistance (or value of armour protect) and reduces the damage done by spells.
There is also a class of spell (and new ones in version 3.01) which are already known, such as mysh or fargh , which reduce the penetration power of a blow in a physical fight by a percentage that varies according to the spellpower and spell specification. Note that if your opponent is unable to penetrate your armour (+spell defences), then the damage done is zero. In a magical fight, there are what is known as related spells - these only defend specifically with a percentage reduction of damage for a particular spell or spells only. There is at least one unit of pstam damage done.
Thus fireshield provides no physical defense whatsoever, but provides a percentage reduction of damage done by fire spells. You will also discover that mysh and fargh will not only provide physical defense, but also will defend magically in relation to some spells!
New Spells and Help
Higher level fighters have long had the ability to compare different weapons, and their effect against varying levels of armour, to determine penetration and damage, so an intelligent selection may be made.
Compare has been enhanced to allow you to compare spells against varying levels of magic resistance (if offensive), or to determine the power of defensive spells. As noted in the brief summary, relative spell skills are not computed but noted, although if the spell casts with random power, that is computed. The spell is 'cast' at power VII. (:)
There will be a minimum guaranteed damage effect on spells which have random power effects. You may also compare items for relative spell damage enhancement without readying either. Some spells will not be comparable.
Also, bands of magic resistance and magic stamina have been widened for insight on magic and some new rules for the amount of text that you get in spell casting & combat. If fighting, then if brief fight, then none/short message. If not fighting, then none/short message if brief text.
At the moment, all magic user skills are set the same - historical reasons. I would not like to 'move goalposts' without consultation with players. What I have in mind is running a global utility to adjust magic user spellskill much as fighters have different skills.
For instance, a priest should have a much higher rate of increase of spell skill for defensive spells, a wizard should be able to cast offensive spells better and improve faster than the bard or priest - if you get the idea.
It has been observed that on initiating a magic fight, using a fast modem or with good terminal software, you can belt out 5-6 fireballs from your Spell Book before hit with the first blow or spell. It is likely that every spell, depending on its power and level, may have a short inhibitor on the player, such that spells cannot be cast until the magic user has recovered strength.
compare < spell1 > < spell2 > < mres >
Spells must be of the same type. You can specify and vary the numeric magic resistance to determine comparative damage effects. Not applied to defense.
Spells are 'cast' at power VII (:). You can only compare spells that you have learnt or in a readied Spell Book. If defensive spells of equal power, then a longer duration is indicated.
Spells make use of relative spell skill which can greatly augment the power.
This is not computed, but indicated for you. Also, Spells can have random power effects and this is shown too.
Magic Users can compare items for any enhanced spell damage without readying.
Moderators: Dabhand, Zarabeth, Achelous