Posting - Part 2

The Weekly Charts and anything else that is deemed important!

Moderators: Dabhand, Zarabeth, Achelous

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I should add an answer to Avatar in game so people can then sign up to the forum (new registrations)

I agree!
I disagree!
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I've no idea what you are on about!
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Total votes: 2

Director and general dogsbody
Posts: 367
Joined: Mon May 19, 2003 7:34 pm

Posting - Part 2

Post by Dabhand » Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:18 pm

I have now disabled new account registrations.

This has been done because:
  • The amount of spam accounts being created was getting silly (20-30/day)
  • No-one has logged into avatar for several weeks now (other than myself!).
If you really need to create an account whilst registration is disabled, please feel free to send an e-mail to and I'll re-enable registration for you to create an account.

If I leave this off for a few weeks and then re-enable it, the spambots may well have gone away (some hope)!
I'm currently considering using a question that needs a human to be there to answer - a bit like what I've done on my other site (, but at the moment I'm having difficulty thinking of a generic question. It may be that I'll add the answer to Avatar itself, meaning you must have at least logged in to be able to get an answer to the registration question...

If any of you are out there please reply to this poll!

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